Friday, July 2, 2010

Sick Update

This morning we were supposed to go feed people on the outskirts of town. This is a program that is done 6 days a week at 6 in the morning. The org brings 3-4 huge containers of food (it looks like rice and beans) to each site. At the site volunteers from the community serve the food. The women come and get enough food for their family.
Everyone was supposed to go, but not everyone was up to it.
Nick C. woke up around 5 to get some water. He stumbled down two flights of stairs. With each step his head throbbed more and more. His balance was uneven as he climbed up and down the stairs. He crawled back into bed, covered his head, and continued to sleep. He is now up and moving around and even wanting to go out to dinner tonight. Maybe, just maybe, his sickness has passed.
Nick M. woke up after a long night of purging. He took some meds, and feeling better joined the group at the feeding. There he was quickly put to work. Moms were telling their children to go to his line and they were scrambling to get a place in line with the white-server. After, he went back to bed. He is still there.
Sierra was possibly the last oft he three to start feeling sick. Her sickness started around dinner, but quickly turned into a force. She spent the majority of the night giving praise to the porcelain god and has spend all morning recovering with sleep. She is still sleeping. Nick C. went to go bug we shall see.
I am still feeling great! Fingers crossed that it stays that way. Nick C. says he doesn't get sick because he tells himself he is not getting sick. He also says he just doesn't get sick. So, I am telling myself I am not getting sick! It'll work!

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