Saturday, June 19, 2010


Brother, shrimpy, is stoked we made it to India, so he did a cartwheel.

We made it!

Nick sterilizing the water from the sink at the hotel. We are used to glorious Utah water so this stuff tasted nasty!

In the cemetery, enough said.

There are stray dogs all over Dehli. You see them sleeping under cars, taking massive dumps on piles of trash, scavenging, and hanging out in cemeteries. They seem to fear people, but Nick, being the tender-hearted animal lover he is, offered this dog some water to which she gratefully accepted.

Dehli is the capital of India. However, I have not seen any skyscrapers or industrial-looking buildings. For the most part, the city looks like this. Also, this is very close to the main center of the city which looks the same!

Shrimpy attempting to sleep after a 10 hour nap. Notice he has his sleep sack over his head.


  1. I have not gotten ANY emails or texts :(

  2. happy to hear you are all there and soaking up the new culture!
